About Us

GBEARS Founding Directors

  • Charlene Lee, BSc, Director/Administrator (retired Biological Consultant)
    Ms. Lee managed her environmental consulting company, J.C. Lee & Associates Ltd., for almost 30 years before retiring, has managed GBEARS since 1999 and resides in Nanaimo.
  • Charles Low, PhD, RPBio. Invertebrate Biologist, Consultant
    Dr. Low has been a private consultant for 30 years and currently resides in Victoria, BC.
  • Steve Baillie, BSc. Coho Biologist
    Mr Baillie is a biologist for Fisheries and Oceans Canada at the Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo, BC. He has worked in fisheries-related programs since 1986.
  • Paul Lisson, BSc, MSc. Biology Instructor and Computer Technical Support
    Mr. Lisson has worked in the Biology Department at the University of Victoria since 1989. He has participated in biology-related projects throughout BC for over 30 years and has provided computer technical support for over 15 years.

GBEARS Volunteer Program Administrators

  • Charlene Lee, BSc, Director/Administrator (see above)
    Ms. Lee fulfills the many administrative requirements to sustain the GBEARS office and field projects and periodically participates in field programs.
  • Bruce Cousens, BSc., MSc., RPBio. Senior Biologist
    Mr. Cousens has worked as a habitat and aquatic systems biologist and biological consultant on Vancouver Island for over 25 years prior to retirement and has a wide range of experience in marine, fisheries and terrestrial biology, ecology, and parasitology, with a life-long interest in birds and a particular interest in the conservation and recovery of species at risk.






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Original web site design by Carley Colclough. Send mail to GBEARS with questions or comments about this site.
Last modified: 02/02/09